Jul 27, 2018
Today's episode does get quite personal. Influenced by the ever-expanding conversation about non-binary identities, Judith and Natalie discuss what gender has meant to them throughout their lives, how it has harmed and helped the shaping of their identities, and how their views on it are continuing to evolve even now.
Jul 11, 2018
After MANY, MANY technical difficulties, our last episode covering the "Heart of the Crystal Gems" Steven bomb is here!
Just FYI, this episode was supposed to be up about 3 days ago. The first half was recorded and the second half was deleted by our recording program...twice! But now it finally exists, and is...
Jul 6, 2018
We're still gearing up for the FIRST GAY WEDDING ON A CHILDREN'S CARTOON SHOW IN HISTORY and it looks like we'll have to wait one more episode for that, but in the meantime we've got some really adorable Crystal Gem wedding prep, and an in-depth queer look at the new addition to Ruby and Sapphire's guest list. Judith...
Jul 6, 2018
Howdy pardners. I reckon part 3 of our week-long Steven bomb podcast blitz is here. Seems we're on a steady gay incline with each new episode, and Brokeback Mountain: Ruby Edition is the next step up. There's a lot of queer analysis to be had here, including a historic first for a kid's cartoon. So kick your boots off...
Jul 4, 2018
Part 2 in our 5-part podcast bomb covering the "Heart of the Crystal Gems" Steven-bomb is here! We discuss "What's Your Problem" and how we think it can relate to the POV of young LGBT+ folks in our own real day and age. Plus, we go on a little about how Amethyst is awesome and SELF-CARE IS IMPORTANT.
Please remember...